Kenya Kii AB - washed
washed, 1300-1900m
Variety: SL28 & 34, Ruiru11, Batian
The fertile red volcanic soil at the southern foothills of Mount Kenya creates an ideal environment for exceptional Kenyan coffees. Local farmers, mostly cultivating about half an acre (about 250 coffee trees), bring their harvest to the Kii factory, one of the three factories of the Rungeto Farmers Cooperative Society. Despite its smaller size compared to other Kenyan cooperatives, Rungeto has established a reputation for its high quality processing and being one of the cleanest and best-organized factories in Kenya.
Processing: After hand sorting and floating, the cherries undergo a depulping, fermentation and washing process. To enhance the distinctive Kenyan flavor profile, the coffee is then soaked in fresh water for an extended period of time. After this, a 2-week-long drying period on raised beds takes place. Those raised beds are designed to ensure an evenly drying process under controlled conditions.